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Get Your CDS Account Online in Real-time
myCDS Portfolio is a new service from Synergy Systems Limited extending the myStocks product
family to deliver your CDS account transactions directly from the Central Depository & Settlement Corporation. We merge this data with real-time data from
Nairobi Securities Exchange to create new and exciting opportunities for pre-trade decision support and post-trade analysis.
Key Product Features
Automatic download of trade transaction data and non-trade transactions (e.g bonus/splits uploads) from CDSC in real-time
Full CDS account transaction history grouped by counter, broker/custodian or date
Choice of consolidated or split view of CDS account accross brokerage/custodial accounts
"What-if" analysis tools for insight into the effect of price changes on the entire portfolio
Three way alerts on changes to market prices, specific counters in a portfolio or the entire portfolio
Portfolio allocation / spread charts
Automatic calculation and factoring of commissions